
High Performance Tennis ran its inaugural once a year Australian Open Junior Performance Camp at East Torrens-Kensington Gardens Tennis Club from the 13th to the 16th of January.

It was great to see all the kids take this great opportunity to enjoy a full time training program.

After rain and cool weather on the first day, the temperature started to rise, as did the intensity of the camp.
Each day started with a thorough warm up. Kids performed mobility work and a dynamic warm up which included some agility ladder footwork and multi-directional sprints.

The morning session consisted of feeding drills, which included all the strokes, and a variety of directional hitting and target work. It also included high intensity rallying activities where the objective was to hit as many balls as possible.

With all the hard work, the kids needed to refuel and rehydrate for lunch. During this time everyone was able to relax and enjoy watching the professionals compete on television.

It was then back on court and time for matchplay. It was great to see all the kids’ hard work during the morning session pay off during matchplay. Everybody’s consistency and strokes improved, making matches highly competitive.

To finish the day, kids were put through some fitness drills, which included reaction sprints, repeat sprint efforts and multi-directional sprints.

High Performance Tennis thanks everyone who participated in the Australian Open Junior Performance Camp and we look forward to continuing to improve your skills in the future.